Simplicity Is The Ultimate Sophistication

Website User Experience Analysis


User experience has a direct connection to the overall performance of your website. Visitors that are unhappy with how your website is laid out are less likely to stay, engage, or buy from your website. But if you tried to optimize your UX before and the results are the same, it means that your website needs a comprehensive UX analysis. We will help you pinpoint issues and weak points in your UX through visitor surveys, analysis of visitor behaviors, and a site audit to identify weak usability elements.

User Experience Services

ON Outsource User Experience Analysis Package

Work with our team of website design and conversion experts. Over the years, our team has worked with numerous websites with varying UX issues. We identify, remove/replace problematic usability and design elements, and implement usability solutions to further address overlapping issues that affect user experience.


Often it’s difficult to see what’s wrong with your website when you are so used to the flow of your website. You see no problem in navigation since you already know where everything is but you can’t expect a first-time visitor to share the same familiarity.


That’s why you need experts to take a look at your website from the outside in. Our years of experience in the industry taught us how customers think and what drives them to either leave or buy from a website.

Why UX Can Make or Break Your Website

The UX Optimization Process

UX optimization isn’t a quick fix, though. It’s a process that involves two main steps: UX analysis and recommendation implementation. UX analysis requires a thorough inspection of the website’s design elements and identification of weak usability elements. Visitor behaviors also provide important insights on visitors’ impressions of the website and how they interact with the website’s elements. As the analysis goes along, ON Outsource will provide recommendations that we can implement to improve your website’s overall user experience.

What You Can Expect

ON Outsource is result-driven. After the UX optimization process, you can immediately notice several changes in your website’s performance. Several effects need a week or two before you can fully appreciate the differences. Here are just several of the major UX optimization results:


- Improvement in your website’s loading speed

- A smoother site flow with clear navigational hierarchy

- Improvement in the user flow and decrease the time it takes for the user to finish a task within your website

- Establishment of an intuitive interface

- Creation of clear, strong, and properly placed calls-to-action

- Reduction of technical errors and maintenance costs.


Indirect effects of UX optimization include an increase in repeat visitors, conversion rates, and revenue. At the end of the day, every website owner wants to achieve the last three effects.

Unclear Navigational Cues

Navigation issues alone can make or break your website. You can’t gain a customer’s loyalty if your website’s navigation is confusing with tedious transactions that redirect to different pages. Even a great deal won’t make customers stay if they can’t ascertain how to avail of said deal.

Non-Intuitive User Interfaces

Website visitors expect an interface where they do not need to read a user manual to navigate. Non-intuitive and complex UI is one of the main hurdles in UX. Some of the key things that can improve UI is discoverability, affordance, efficiency, and predictability.

Non-Responsive User Interfaces

Another issue in UI is unresponsiveness. An effective UI should provide responsive feedback, showing users the results of their action immediately. A delay of a few seconds can result in abandonment, especially if the action you asked for doesn’t provide them with any incentives to stay.

Slow Loading Times

Your prospective customers won’t wait in line online. 47 percent of website visitors expect a site to load within 2 seconds. Another 40 percent of visitors will leave if the site won’t load within 3 seconds. The figure is even higher in mobile users with 53 percent opting to leave if a website misses the 3-second mark.

Weak and Unclear Calls to Action

Don’t confuse visitors with calls to action that barely gets the message across. Like navigational and interface cues, your calls to action should immediately tell your visitors that this is the way and that this is where you should click. Without that clear message, you can’t expect visitors to perform your desired action.

Technical Errors

Error 404 is one of the most common website errors. It results from either a broken link or a page that did not redirect properly. This, along with Error 504 (gateway timeout) makes for a frustrating visit on a website.



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